Brotherton Cadillac Pontiac - commercial spot

Television Ad


A commercial spot for Brotherton Pontiac in Renton, WA that ran on Fisher Broadcasting stations in Seattle, WA.

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the Pontiac Red Tag sale comes once a year, and brothers and Pontiac takes it a step further with a one price sale through December 31st you can have your choice of any new 2006 GTO for 29 95 a choice of 10 for only 29 95 or your choice of eight new Torrance for just 2195 a savings of up to $7900 plus, every new Pontiac will be on sale, with its price clearly marked. And for the month of December, $100 will be donated. The Children's Hospital for each vehicle sold on Leah, Brotherton, Cadillac, Pontiac, GMC in, rented or brother in Pontiac dot com. Pontiac designed for action serial numbers posted a dealer.