Anticipation of the Penitent



Thomas’ inheritance comes from Satan, while his mother reaches for God. But it takes the strength of naive Rachel to provide an opening for God’s miracles in all of their lives.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Book one, The Penitent Prologue, No one knew the whole story of the caged woman. She appeared to be a living receptacle for the shipment of evil in today's society. Keep her caged and everyone could be safe, let her escape and everyone would be doomed. This seemed true, even though most people in the world never knew she or her son existed blind and maimed, She was displayed in the center of town. For anyone to see, understand and experience how close she had come to being extinguished. Her empty eye sockets were permanently stained with the blood that once seeped from them as tears had before, and sat amongst welts that inched outward from the vacant pockets. More apparent were her arms, one which had a twisted hand with gnarled protrusions in the place of some of her knuckles.