Audio Book Demo

Profile photo for Patrick Shingleton
Not Yet Rated


Final pages of Angela's Ashes in consideration of and for audio book assistance

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the bad women bring out sandwiches and poor miller beer, and when we finish eating they put on frank Sinatra records and ask if anyone would like to dance. No one says yes, because you'd never get up and dance with bad women in the presence of a priest. So the women dance with each other and laugh as if they all had little secrets. Tim Boyle drinks whiskey and falls asleep in the corner till Frida wakes him and tells him to take us back to the ship. When we're leaving, Frida leans towards me as if she might kiss my cheek. But the priest says goodnight and in a very sharp way no one shakes hands as we walk down the street to the river, we hear the women laughing, tinkling right in the night air. We climb the ladder, Tim calls us to the little boat, mind yourselves going up the ladder. Oh, boys! Oh, boys. Wasn't that a grand night? Goodnight boys, Goodnight father. We watched his little boat till it disappears into the dark of the poughkeepsie riverbank. The priest says goodnight and goes below, and the first officer follows him. I stand on the deck with the wireless officer looking at the lights of America twinkling, he says, My God, that was a lovely night frank. Isn't this a great country altogether