Enabling Decision Making (excerpt of google project management course)

Profile photo for Swapna N
Not Yet Rated


It is a sample recording I made based off of a course I had enrolled for. I don't own the content rights.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Enabling decision making. You can help team members feel empowered from the start of your project by making the decision making process collaborative, for example, state the goals of specific deliverables and elicit information from your team on how to achieve these goals. You may have an idea of how you would like certain tasks to be accomplished, but your team members may have more creative or efficient approaches. Empowering your team to express their opinions and make their own decisions, allows you to focus on the overarching management tasks and prioritize them in the order of importance. Additionally, when you allow team members to have voice in decisions, it helps foster an environment of responsibility, accountability and team closeness.