Horror Fiction Audiobook | American Accent | Teenage Female



An anthology of horror stories told from the perspective of a teenage girl.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Teen (13-17)


North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
The disappearing boy by P D Williams. I never believed in magic or evil until I met Tommy Naughton. The first time I saw him was in my 11th Grade English class at Ridley High School in 1987. He looked odd with his gapped up haircut and baggy clothing. Oh. And he always smelled like sour sweat. He rarely made eye contact, never spoke unless spoken to. And he sat as far back in the classroom as the wall would allow. I was sorry for him, but pity doesn't do much to cure another's social awkwardness. But then the day came when Tommy went from being a social outcast to the talk of the school. It all started when our English teacher, Mrs Sharon gave us an assignment. Ok. Listen up people. When I call on you, I want you to come up. Then I'd like you to tell everyone something unique about yourself. A special talent, family, history, interesting hobbies. Anything.