Super awesome animation character

Profile photo for rachida benlaidi
Not Yet Rated


this is my demo of a really engaging animation character . you love it

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Whiskers. Hey, squeaky. Have you heard the news? They're having a cheese festival in the meadow tomorrow? Squeaky at cheese festival. Really? That sounds amazing. I love cheese whiskers. I knew you'd be thrilled. Weve got to go and taste all the cheese. We can get our paws on squeaky. Count me in whiskers. I can't wait to try all the different cheeses. It's going to be the best day ever. Whiskers. And you know what? Squeaky? I heard theres a cheese sculpture contest too. Maybe you can sculpt a giant cheese mouse. Squeaky, ha ha. That's a great idea. Whiskers. I'll do my best to win that contest. But first, let's fill our bellies with cheese. Whiskers. Agreed. My friend tomorrow we'll eat all the cheese in the meadow.