Super awesome video game character

Profile photo for rachida benlaidi
Not Yet Rated


this is my demo of a really engaging video game character . you love it

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
And spaceship bridge emergency lights. Flash Captain Victor Drake stands at the helm, his face resolute. The bridge is in disarray, alarms blaring and crew members rushing to their stations. He grabs the intercom and begins to speak with authority. Captain Victor Drake shouting over the chaos. Listen up crew. This is it our darkest hour. The enemy is all around us but we will not yield. We are the last line of defense for our people and our home. Remember what you signed up for? Remember your training? We're not going down without a fight. He pauses a deep breath. We faced the impossible before and triumphed. We've laughed in the face of death and lived to tell the tale today. We do it again. Our resolve is unbreakable. Our spirit is unwavering. We stand together fight together and if fate has it, we fall together but we will fall as heroes. He raises his fist, rallying the crew for the United Planets for humanity for the future. The crew members gnawed their determination. Renewed Captain Victor Drake. Now back to your stations and let's give em hell. The crew members returned to their posts ready for battle