
Television Ad

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politicians and their priorities. John Marella signed a pledge that protected tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas. No surprise there. Burrell A worked as a D. C. Lobbyist fighting for those overseas jobs from the beginning, and Morella's campaign is backed by hundreds of thousands of dollars from a special interest group funded by overseas corporations. John Morella's priority is creating jobs in other countries. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising. They're one of the Wall Street banks that triggered the financial meltdown. Goldman Sachs just settled with authorities for their part in the crisis that puts seven million out of work and millions out of their homes. How does Wall Street get away with it? Millions in campaign contributions and speaking fees. Our economy works for Wall Street because it's rigged by Wall Street, and that's the problem. As long as Washington is bought and paid for, we can't build an economy that works for people. I'm burning silence and I approve this message. We know my cross fifth generation are Kansan, small businessman, husband and father of two, and the one leader around here who really listens. Mike never moved to Washington, never voted himself a pay raise, voted against the Pelosi health care overhaul. And Mike is always endorsed by the NRA. I'm Mike Ross, and I approve this message because I will never stop fighting for the common sense Arkansas values that we were raised on still believe in?