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Safeguard Your Savings was presented by the University of Missouri Extension and co-sponsored by the Investor Protection Trust and the Missouri Secretary of State.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Have you ever received an invitation to a free lunch or dinner seminar about an investment offer that sounds too good to be true? Some financial scams are easy to identify, but others may be more difficult to see. Now you have an opportunity to arm yourself with the tools necessary to protect your hard earned money and make it work for you. Safeguard your savings is a free workshop that will be offered in your area to help you safely plan, save and invest for retirement. Ah, home or college. This workshop uses a no nonsense approach to financial matters that matter most to you. Your local workshop is presented by University of Missouri Extension and co sponsored by the Investor Protection Trust and Missouri Secretary of State Robin Carnahan. This is Missouri Secretary of State Robin Carnahan here to remind you that educating yourself is the first step to protecting your investments, so be sure to enroll in the safeguard your savings workshop in your area