Animation - Voice Acting - Character - For Toddler Activity (Eng)



Voice Acting of a character for a children program.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) Spanish (General) Spanish (Latino)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
attention all artists. I become a fan Street Perata, the forest foremost collector of amazing art heaven art related emergency. But first, I need you to grab some art supplies. Paper, crayons, pencil whatever you confined. Let me know when you return. You're back. Excellent. Now here's the problem. I have many fabulous paintings and growing in my art collection. But there is one piece off art. I do not have a drawing that combines the anger I feel when I don't get what I want with my love of fish. Can you, my gifted artist friend, please draw me a picture of an angry fish. I would very much like to see it when it's finished. Wow, what a masterpiece. What is it about your fish that makes it look so angry? And what did you imagine is making your fish so mad? Thank you so much for creating this wonderful work of art. You simply must have to share it with anyone you think would like angry fish. A small just I do attention all harvests. I become a van sypt. Petya, the forest foremost collector of amazing art Coven Art related the margin sel. But first I need you to grab some art supplies. Paper, crayons, pencil, whatever you confined. Let me know when you return. You're back. Excellent. Now here's the problem. I have many fabulous paintings and drawings in my art collection. But there is one piece of heart. I do not have a drawing that combines the anger I feel when I don't get what I want with my love of fish. Can you, My gifted artist friend plus strong your picture of an angry fish? I would very much like to see it when it is finished. Wow, What a master pills. What is it about your fish that makes it look so angry? And what did you imagine is making your fish so mad? Thank you so much for creating this wonderful work of art. You simply must share it with anyone you think would like angry fish as much as I do