Radio, TV & Internet Ad - NIC Mexico (Eng)

Radio Ad


Voice over for an informative Ad using Latino accent.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Spanish (Latino)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
When you think about Latinos, what do you think? Yes, but today Latinos are much more than that. We're entrepreneurs, visionaries, engineers and innovators, and we do everything our own way. The Latin way, the Latin way. It's a space where Latino entrepreneurs can create, learn and share their experiences and success through the domain that latte the domain for Latinos. Join us and show the world how we do things the Latin way. Discover more technique. ***** Latte. When you think about Latinos, what do you think? Yes, but today Latinos are much more than that. We're entrepreneurs, visionaries, ingenious and innovators, and we do everything our own way. The Latin way. The Latin way is a space where Latino entrepreneurs can create, learn and share their experiences and success through the domain. ***** latte, the domain for Latinos Join us and showed the world how we do things the Latin way. Discover more unique that latte