Pet Killer

Profile photo for Michael Peters
Not Yet Rated


\"Pet Killer\" is a monolog for one guy from \"100 Great Monologs: A Versatile Collection of Monologs, Duologs and Trilogs for Student Actors\", by Rebecca Young. It shows off a very somber attitude and tone as well as self ridicule.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Teen (13-17)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US New England - Boston, Providence)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
pet killer for one guy from 100 Great Monologues, a versatile collection of monologues, duo logs and trio logs for student actors by Rebecca Young. I am easily the lowest person on Earth, really lower than the sleaziest grossest person you can think of lower than that pond scum or the thing that eats the pond scum. See, not only did I kill my sister's dog, I lied about it. It all happened yesterday after school, I forgot my uniforms for work, so I had to run home to get it. I was just going to Russian, grab it off my floor and then zoom off to work. I change in the bathroom once I got there to save time. Obviously, I was focused on getting to work as quickly as possible. That's why I didn't see Rex behind the car. I didn't even realize the thud was him until I was all the way out in the street and saw him lying on the sidewalk. I could tell immediately that he wasn't going to get up ever. I'm not a total jerk. I did take the time to make sure that he was dead. I jumped out and ran over to him, No doubt about it. He had guts oozing out of his side, and he wasn't breathing. Felt horrible, even though he was technically my sister's dog. We all loved him half the time he slept in my bed instead of hers. He was a great dog. I wanted to stay and explain, be there when Cindy got home from school so I could be the one to tell her. But I was so close to being late and one more tardy at work meant I'd be fired and fired. Of course meant no paycheck and no paycheck meant no car. Now I know how horrible that sounds, how cruel and cold you must think I am. But the fact was, the dog was dead and there was nothing I could do about it. Me being late to work would just add to the tragedy, right? Of course, Cindy was still sobbing when I got home from work later, and here's where the lion came in. I figured out real quick that no one knew it was me that hit and killed Rex. Cindy kept saying Who would do such a thing and just drive off leave him lying there like that. Who could do something like that? How could I possibly tell her it was me? I felt bad enough. And she did, too. With knowing I was the one who killed Rex. Make things any better? No. So I didn't tell her. Now I feel dirty and ashamed. No job is worth the guilt. I feel I want to tell Cindy the truth. Really? But to be honest, nothing can bring Rex back. And the truth Would Onley hurt her more? I guess the price I'll pay is living with this for the rest of my life. Somehow I'll make it up to her.