On air

Profile photo for Reanne O'Hagan
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on air ; weather

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
dodge Surrey. Get more value with fixed commission sales, no extra fees, huge selection and go kart rewards and savings shop online and go dodge Surrey dot C. A. Now we haven't had a guest star on the hawks. Happy hour for the weather for us since what? Secretary? That's right. It's been quite actually quite a few months since we've had a special guest doing this one but she wouldn't let us give her a jazzy name like secretary or rowdy kev. What is your radio name Miss? I'm gonna have to stick with Ryan Britney Britney. Hit me baby one more time maybe weather. Let's do this. Alright so a mix of sun and cloud for the rest of the evening. High of 16 tomorrow, mainly sunny high of 15 near the water, 18 inland, sunday, sunny high of 17 near the water at 20 inland downtown 17 and same thing in Surrey beautifully. Oh mary and Brittani. Just promise me you will never shave your head or have really bad pictures of you coming out of cars