Video Narration


web spot for animal rescue group - 4 Paws

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Please enjoy this wonderful footage of these great dogs. The Four Paul Foundation asked us to do a public service commercial instead of showing horrible pictures of dogs in cages maimed and tortured. We thought you could enjoy this footage and please give generously. And if that doesn't work, next time we can show you those awful pictures and make you sad. Thank you so much. Please enjoy this wonderful footage of these great dogs. The four Pa Foundation asked us to do a public service commercial instead of showing horrible pictures of dogs in cages maimed and tortured. We thought you could enjoy this footage and please give generously. And if that doesn't work next time we can show you those awful pictures and make you sad. Thank you so much. Please enjoy this wonderful footage of these great dogs. The four Pa Foundation asked us to do a public service commercial instead of showing horrible pictures of dogs in cages, maimed, tortured. We thought you could enjoy this footage and please give generously. And if that doesn't work next time we can show you those awful pictures and make you sad. Thank you so much.