Audiobook Demo

Profile photo for Aaron Sinn
Acheivement Badges Top Talent


A demo read from the audiobook \"Dark Harvest\".

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
twisted vines and young creepers right at the base of the pole. The man sharp blade severs all. Next he goes to work with a claw hammer. Rusty nails grunt loose from old wood. A tattered leg slips free than another and then a tattered arm. The thing they call the October Boy drops to the ground. But you already know about him. After all, you grew up here. There aren't any secrets left for you. You know the story as well as Ideo. Pete McCormick knows the story, too. Part of it anyway. P just turned 16. He's been in town his whole life, but he's never managed to fit in. And the last year's been especially tough. His mom died of cancer last winter, and his dad drink away his job at the grain elevator the following spring. There's enough a rotten luck in that little sentence toe bust anyone's chops. So it's not like the Walls have never closed in on Pete around here. But just lately they've been jamming his shoulders like he's caught in a drill press. He gets in trouble a couple of times and gets picked up by the cops. Could Old Officer Ricks, and it's shiny black and white Dodge. First time around. It's a lecture. Second time it's a night stick to the kidneys. Pete comes home all bruised up in Pisces blood for a couple of days. He waits for his old man to slam him back in line the way he would have before their whole world had a wall. Maybe take a hunk out of that ******* Ricks while he's at it, but his father doesn't even say a word. So Pete figures. Well, it looks like you're finally on your own. Charlie Brown. And what are you going to do about that? For Pete, it's your basic wake up call once and for all. He decides he doesn't much care for his. Podunk town doesn't like all that Corn doesn't like all that quiet. Sure as **** doesn't like Officer Ricks. And maybe he's not so crazy about his father, either. Summer rolls around and the old man starts hitting the bottle pretty steady. Could be he's noticed the changes in his son because he starts telling stories. All of a sudden, he's really big with the stories. We'll get back on our feet soon, Pete. They'll call me back to work at the elevator because that chucklehead Kirby will screw everything up. That gets to be one of Pete's favorites right there with I'm going to quit drinking son for you and your sister. I promise I'll quit soon. It's like the old man has a fish on the line, and he's trying to reel it in with words. But Peak, it's tired of listening. He's smart enough to know that words don't matter unless they're walking the hard road that leads to the truth. And sure, he can understand what's going on. Sure, the night stick that life put to the old man makes the solid hunk of oak. Officer Ricks used a bust up Pete look like a toothpick. But understanding all that doesn't make listening to his old man's pipe dreams any easier. And that's what his father's words turned out to be. The boss man down at the elevator never calls, and the old man's drinking doesn't stop, and things don't get any better for them. Things just keep getting worse. As the summer Wayne's Pete often catches himself daydreaming about the licorice whip road that leads out of town, he wonders what it would be like out there somewhere else, far away from here on his own. And pretty soon that road finds its way into another story making the rounds because, hey, it's September now. And it's about time folks started in on that one crazy yarn. Everyone around here spins at that time of year, Aaronson.