Character Reel



Examples of character voices that I have been asked to provide

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I can hear you, you idiot! Open the door before I crush your ball. Oh Mr. Killer balls! Dad, I'm not permitted to. Hey, you can't touch that. Which button is it? Isn't this one labeled B. Hey, Vanya, there is Roshan beet soup bush. How do I know? Sasha? I eat **** many today. Traditional Russian dumpling for me and ailed. Good sir! Apologies, friend. We have none. What? No ale? Is this not a tavern. This establishment ain't big enough for the both of us. I think it's time you and bowling went in the gutter. I'm not sure what's in store, but I can tell you there's a storm coming and it ain't gonna be pretty. Everything has a price. And that's simple understanding that that's what gets you the happiness you desire in life. All of this is confusing. Get it together. It's almost over. Yo jake is starting to sound like bullsh man. You've been saying it's almost over for like three days now. This may be new to you and your fragile little lives