Living Legends Awards for Service to Humanity - compassionate, caring, sympathetic, inspirational

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This is a compassionate read, meant to generate sympathy and support.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
this year. People like you went hungry. They didn't expect it. They had jobs. They had steady incomes. And then things changed. As the new normal of social distancing and quarantining swept across the world this year, so did the new normal of Mawr people asking, What am I going to eat? Since 2000 and six, the Living Legends Awards for service to humanity has honored the work of lifelong humanitarians. But 2020 called us to do more. We heard the whispers of hunger and looked into the uncertain eyes of our neighbors and friends. We saw that hunger was touching our community in new ways. So we leveled up. We decided to partner with local organizations to bring food to over 650 Maryland families. However, there are over 600,000 people facing food insecurity in Maryland today. Thistles one in nine people that is one in six Children with your donation weaken, give people like you the support they need to survive this pandemic. Your donation will provide more than a meal to a person in need. A meal can be the difference between feeling alone and feeling supported, feeling helpless and feeling hopeful a meal is a reminder that, yes, better days are coming. Your donation will enable the Living Legends Awards for service to humanity to scale up our efforts to feed the hungry and to continue our work and recognizing people like you who are taking the time to meet the needs of their communities. Every contribution counts. Our combined resource is, are the answer to our communities needs. This year, people like you went hungry, you saw their knee and then things changed.