Character Reel - 2023



Several characters - showing acting ability, range, accents and tone. Recorded April 2023

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (England - Cockney, Estuary, East End) British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Thank you. Honestly, I mean that but my family was falling apart but you held me together. Nobody's ever cared about me like that. You really cared enough to put me first. I don't even want to think about where I'd be. Now. If it weren't for you, when they draw their swords to cut down all hope, we will look them in the eye, we will fight and we will win. You come to kill me. Mhm You can shoot if you want, I won't resist. But if you're here to end this, I have a warning for you. Just keep it shut for both our sakes. I'm not ready to deal with this crap. I'm very hungover. So do us both a favor and come quietly, very quietly quiet is splitting Jesus. I hate violence, Jimmy. I am a businessman, first and foremost. Blood is expensive. Do you seek passage? This place is many things to many people an ending for some a haven for others while all of a sudden it's the face of the world on my shoulders. I'm just a sidekick. Remember I, I'm not the save of the world type. Oh, stop. You're not trying to use me as bears. Are you? No, you can't enter the underworld. You're alive. It's one of the most important details. You've got to die before you go to ****. That's kind of how it works. Why do you want in anyway?