Jamie Allen Star 98.7 Star Report

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Daily radio Station event calender report called the Star Report from Star 98.7 in LA.

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the 99 Star Lounge Collection CD is going on sale this Sunday at all Virgin Mega stores featuring acoustic performances recorded live in the Star Lounge from the Goo Goo Dolls, Atlantis, Morissette, Sarah McLachlan, Sheryl Crow and more. All proceeds will benefit Victory Over Violence, VH one, Save the Music and the Starlight Children's Foundation. Plus, don't forget the Free Star Lounge performance by Tori Amos this Sunday at the Virgin Megastore at the Block and Orange. For more information, call us at 1 800 Star 987 or look us up on the Web at www star 987 dot com. I'm Jamie Allan, and that's the Starr report star.