Remie Michelle Clarke - Narration Demo



A selection of narrative styles for documentary and audiobooks.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Irish (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
every minute of every hour of every day. A baby is born in Britain. To find out what it feels like to bring new life into the world, we put 40 cameras into a bustling maternity hospital, from the front desk to the operating theatre, from the birthing pools to neonatal capturing new lives beginning and others changing forever. This is one more in every minute. Indian police raided Bombay Brothel madams are outraged. This is the end of a month long Channel four investigation. These teenage girls are victims of one of the fastest growing industries in the world. Sex traffic. These professional chefs all want to break into the top ranks of the world's culinary elite. Deciding who has the talent to cut it is Master chef Judge Greg Wallace and culinary legend Michel Roux Jr With two Michelin stars, he's expecting perfection. This is the versatility test. The chefs have 15 minutes to show how skilled they are by producing two completely different dishes out of today's single ingredient scallops. Nervous, Adrian resisted his experimental urge and made grilled scallops with pancetta in a square blank