Remie Michelle Clarke - IFPA Health and Reproduction Video



A warm, caring informative piece for the IFPA about reproductive rights.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Irish (Eastern- Leinster, Dublin) Irish (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
how Khun developed countries support global health and wellbeing and contribute to ending poverty. Here's one way. By supporting access to family planning for women and girls, family planning refers to the information, supplies and services that enable individuals and couples to decide freely the number and spacing off their Children. If any thiss includes access to modern forms of contraception, ensuring access to contraception means that women and girls come better plan their lives and realise their full potential. They're more likely to finish education, which reduces their risk of poverty. They experience better health outcomes with less risk of pregnancy related death and disability. They're more likely to participate and paid employment toe, have greater economic independence and to be able to improve their own on their family's health and economic security. And investing in contraception makes financial sense. Every euro invested in family planning saves at least four euro that would otherwise be spent treating complications from unintended pregnancies. Access to family planning is both human rights in itself. On essential to the realisation of other human rights, control over reproductive health is essential to gender equality, women's empowerment and sustainable development. In 2015 world governments including Ireland, agreed an ambitious agenda of 17 sustainable development goals, or STDs, to be achieved by 2030. Access to contraception is critical to several of these goals and contributes to achieving many of the others but at least 225 million women worldwide who wished to avoid pregnancy, black access to family planning, information supplies and services In most developing countries, the availability of contraception relies largely on funding from the aid programmes of donor countries. Yet there is a funding gap of around $273 million between now and 2020. If this gap is not closed, the reproductive health needs and rights of millions of women in these countries will not be met. If we're serious about sustainable development and human rights, we need to be serious about meeting the global unmet need for contraception. Because when women and girls have the means to control their fertility, they have more control over their future. They benefit their families, benefit and their communities benefit