News story reads

Profile photo for RENEE SUMMEROUR
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Video Narration


Sample of news reporting voice over

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
In your business news, even as unemployment rate shows, some signs of improvement businesses are still saying they are struggling to hire people. One business owner says he's increased the hourly wage but is finding it difficult to get candidates in the door. The electric daisy carnival brings massive crowds to the Las Vegas motor speedway. There was a lot to take in at the music festival, from the flashy carnival costumes Coming off the elaborate stages to the attendees themselves, who dressed up in crazy costumes. Community members have gathered at a local Lee's discount liquor store to honor the life of the late Kenny Lee, who died at 53 years old in a car crash earlier this month.