Commercial product videoDemo

Profile photo for Marta Rensink
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Television Ad


This is my commercial Demo. I hope you enjoy.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
At Apple, we believe revolutionary technology is for everyone. So whether you're using an iphone or Mac, you get I movie now, you can edit and create your own videos anywhere. Water it fills our deepest oceans keeps nature alive. It's our everyday. Without it, the world would be lost when choosing your coffee. Why go anything but classic. At Starbucks, we have the classics, whether that's an americano latte or mocha, there's something for everybody. So we've created a points reward system every time you shop, you say, pushing the limits until you have nothing left to give because giving up takes you nowhere. Only those who dedicate Excel Nike. Just do it. Mhm.