Sample Newsreader script

Profile photo for Mohammad Shamlawi
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Sample newsreader script from Radio Bahrain.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Mhm. Good afternoon and welcome to radio bahrain. This is the full news bulletin at two o'clock. My name is Mohammed to Malawi first are the headlines? Pakistan's military is on high alert in the Kashmir region. The british prime Minister is to chair a meeting the government's Emergency Committee Later on today, The us president's campaign is continuing with its efforts to overturn the results of the November three election. The Colima volcano on Hawaii's big island has erupted. And now for the news in detail, Pakistan's military was on high alert in the Kashmir region on monday as its Prime Minister warned India against carrying out any false flag operations in the disputed region. After a U. N. Vehicle into Pakistan held part came under attack. Pakistan blamed friday's attack on India, implying it was aimed at embarrassing Islamabad and harming relations with the international community India has denied the allegations and the two U. N. observers in the vehicle escaped unharmed. The british Prime Minister Boris johnson is to chair a meeting of the government's Emergency Committee later on monday after France closed its borders to the UK to stem the spread of a new strain of the corona virus circulating in London and the south east of England. That was the full news bulletin from radio Battery in Good afternoon. Yeah. Mhm. Yeah. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Yes. Yeah, 96.5. Yeah. Yeah.