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Roberta Farkas Shine on primetime hottest flight from Beverly Hills, the 11th Annual Soap Opera Award, Tonight at nine on NBC CTS Thursday. Biggest night of TV is here. Who will be the ultimate survivor tonight on Farscape, Moya's crew must find a malevolent energy being who is hiding in one of their bodies, no matter how shocked, no matter how twisted. The C. S. I. Crime Scene Investigation, The Young and the Restless, this portion sponsored by Pampers Tonight at nine on the Food Network, Mark and Jail explore the best spots around. It's a night of all new comedies on CBS Monday. American Playhouse Presents Evelyn Wars brilliantly chronicled Brideshead Revisited last season on Caramel. Richard Bought The Wedding was still on Caroline in the City. CBS presents an epic True Story haven, CBS Sunday.