Rick Shockley Automotive

Profile photo for Rick Shockley
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


This demo covers a range of styles from bold to authentic.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
go as far as the adventures want to take you in the new Explorer Limited hybrid life goes better with your tribe afford. It's time to explore more minivan. Not on my watch. Well, guess what? I just got a new watch. And to make the transition even better, our new Wallace he was only 29 97. Toyota thought is on. Now's the perfect time to get the Toyota You've been dreaming up 0% Financing available in Corolla 0% rap For When you get behind the wheel of Chevy Silverado, the word invincible might come to mind. No wonder when nothing less than the best will do you need a Chevy Silverado cruising a Wednesday night. Good thing gas was only 38 cents a gallon today. The only cars out there would be the 38 mpg Chevy Spark. Imagine that once again, Chevy dominates Van Nuys Boulevard. It's one ***** and ride