Winning Sports Motivation


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you know how to play the game. You've worked hard at practice. You know the right place to be on defense. You're hitting. Game is strong, you're throwing. Game is right on target and you know what you're capable of. You've dreamed about ripping the game winning homer, pitching the flawless post season shutout or diving to grab the impossible out. But instead, when the pressure's on, you've choked at the plate, committed errors or released wild throws. Too many times you've ended up walking off the field feeling disappointed and dejected, knowing you could have played a better game. You wonder why you haven't had your best game when you needed it the most. You wonder what's missing. You wonder why the last game of the season has never been your best. You wonder how to take your game time confidence to the next level. Answer. It's time to learn how to compete mentally. Games air entirely. Unlike practice, the excitement that strange environment the players you've never faced before, freaked out teammates and the tremendous pressure to win all require mental skills, which must be developed just like hitting, fielding, running and throwing Physically. Most athletes train their butts off, but mentally they do very little to prepare for competition. Winning state softball focuses on the mental skills clutch players use in pressure situations to perform consistently at a high level. Winning state softball explains the fundamentals of thinking like a competitors. I talk about the mental skills necessary to win the confidence battle. What drives a champion, the difference between practice and competition and how to mentally approach the games ready to compete. I outlined how to develop a focus game mindset, which will take your competitive skills to the next level and will instantly elevate your confidence during pressure situations guaranteed.