Commercial Voice Demo

Profile photo for Reed Imhoff
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
celebrate to the Max TJ Maxx. TJ Maxx s fashions for everyone you find in department storms. Try the max for the minimum. Funny things happen when you drink. Welsh is white grape juice. It makes your lips smack. Try it. You just can't help it, Mom says. It's Welsh is Niagara grapes that are doing it and will. She is white. Grape juice comes in lots of flavors, all 100% juice. It's like your tongue says, Hey, this is magnifique and your lips answer back A bit of guilt. I try to exercise every day to keep my mind sharp in my body looking good, but over time it could take a toll. That's why I drink Gatorade. It's clinically designed to put back in your body when regular exercise could take out its fuel for your active body. I don't know about you, but I don't plan on losing a single step Gatorade. It's what's in you. Bebo has an alter ego introducing the new HTC Evos ship for G. It's for G fast powered by Angela, just like the But the shift is smaller and has a slide out keyboard go along its touch screen. Now you can touch or tightening speed. Forgy only from Sprint, the now network