Commercial Demo Reel

Profile photo for Rita Sengupta
Not Yet Rated
Online Ad


Comedic, informational, and educational commercial demo.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
But if smartphones were more than just smart, we all knew google pixel six with our most advanced and inclusive smartphone camera yet it's the phone that understands. We're all different google pixel six for all you are. Do you want to sleep like a baby like a bear sleep? Like you haven't seen your bed in days sleep like you just took Z equal the non habit forming sleep aid from the makers of Nyquil that helps you sleep easy. Sleep soundly and wake refreshed most natural deodorant smell like pick checks and potpourri but not native. Our freshness last 24 hours so all you'll smell is confidence in coconut. Native for those that like to keep it light. The deliciously refreshing taste of sorbet now comes in a new bottle, new Smirnoff sorbet light. Ready to break free. Let's get away to a place where we can finally break free. Plan your getaway with Norwegian sail safe. Break free. Yeah. With a smooth and creamy taste of whole family loves. Don't miss the exciting new flavors, creamy caramel and cookies and cream