Ralph's Podcast Demo

Profile photo for Ralph Monroe
Not Yet Rated


This demo showcases my voice over music played and also different tones of voice. From deep and clear, to soft and conversational.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
in my storage bin Right now, I have about 3 to 4 belts, and they're sitting there. They're waiting on me to lose some inches. Some people might be just like me hoping that it would happen, and it can still happen. What's your favorite pie? Apple pie. Sweet potato pie. Pumpkin pie, Cherry fight. You know, I'm not really a big pie fan, but one pie that I've learned actually appreciate his humble pie doesn't taste good, but at some point in your life, actually might have to taste it. Have you ever gave a suggestion to someone and you thought you were really right about you Thought your opinion was really right, but they dismissed It. Didn't give two seconds of your thoughts or your opinion internally, your raging bull like Oh, my gosh. But really you plant It was like, Okay, whatever. You know, they're the key thing to remember is that God is the Potter and we are the clay. And by his hands, nations can be remade or personalize it. We can be remade. Uh, So for two years, I've been the Landis think, and recently I've had this desire to get my MBA degree And so I've been looking at a different college who offers Ah, there. MBA degrees all online is very convenient. Very something I want to do, you know, but the Lord, impressive necessary. Moreover, my boss let me know this week that they want to change my work hours instead of coming in early, which I love because I can get off early. They want me to come in later, which means I have to get off later in come this week. I had a day where I was just stress and out of being very, very anxious of something in the future that may or may not happen. But I brought it to my present reality, and it became the overwhelming thoughts in my head. And so my wife and I were going wisdom and in all your getting get an understanding. Now, wisdom is the quality of having experience, knowledge and good judgment, all three of those. It is having the quality of experience, knowledge and judgment. Now, to understand means to perceive the significance or cause of something and to perceive the intendant meaning of the words have been spoken by another person. So in the Scripture standing, Do not allow the avalanche of doubt stop you from getting the wisdom that you need for your life. You know, it's interesting. I think about the story where I was swimming against the current. It's funny because I didn't really ask for wisdom. Verbally, I didn't, but internally I was scared internally. I was like, I'm about to die and internally out nine versus 23 through 24 says Search me Oh God and know my heart. Try me and know my anxious thoughts and see if there be any offensive or hurtful way into me and lead me in the way of everlasting. This scripture in and of itself is a daring ask. It's asking God to do an excavation in your life to reveal your wickedness and anything less offensive. It's a daunting *** because you are willing to confront your nastiness, and it could be a process that feels uncomfortable, queasy and gut wrenching. It's a noble *** because the one who's going to show you your nastiness and wickedness is a holy God who knows you better than yourself. And if we were to look at the previous scriptures, we see just how intricately got knows us he knows are coming and are going in verse three through five of this very same chapter, says the goddess, intimately acquainted with all of your ways. Even before there is a word on your tongue. He knows it and he surrounds you. There's no place you can go from this spirit, even more so while you were in your mother's room, he was fearfully and wonderfully creating you and God alone is the Onley one who knows the days allotted to you in this life. So who else is better to examine your heart and mind then he who created them. If he's not the one examining it, we're selling ourselves short on a thorough investigation. Unless that's what we desire you listening in next week in the refinery Fresh podcast, you can always email us at, refined and refreshed at outlet dot com. That is all lower case refined and refreshing. Outlook dot com. Let us know how you're doing. If you have any prayer request, will pray for you. Also remember toe like and follow us on. Whatever party has your listening from or like us on Facebook to stay a date with What's going on? I don't think I have anything else right now, but pretty have awesome date. Awesome. Er three day once again. Thank you for listening. I really appreciate you. We really appreciate you and yeah, have a great date back for today. If you really want to do some self examination, If you really want to do some reflection, ask the one who created you and I'm I guarantee you he was so it to you. Now, with that said, you have been listening to Ralph Munro on Refined and Refresh podcast. If you like to email less encourages a sinister review or something. You can do that at refined and refreshed at outlook dot com that is refined and refreshed at outlet dot com all lower case. And if you were, like, follow us, subscribe on whatever podcast advice to have. If it's not spot of high, follow us. It was on Facebook, like the page so you could be updated and notified What's coming out? Um, yeah, I really enjoy doing this, and I pray and I pray that this would be a blessing for your So, uh, asked God to show you the offensiveness is in your heart, it is definitely worth it. Especially respond in the way of repentance. Love you are God bless. Have a great day back.