Do you Speak in Public

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Source: Reader's Digest
Author: John Wolfe
Voice over: recorded using my Samsung phone

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Filipino (Tagalog) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
can you speak in public? It's the most valuable skill for those who do it successfully. Reap substantial rewards. Here is a guide to the essentials by john Wolf. When someone asks you to deliver a talk in front of a group, what's your reaction if you're like most people, it's sheer terror. According to the book of lists. The number one phobia in America is a fear of public speaking. That's unfortunate for public speaking does not necessarily imply or require a mass audience. We have more than 100,000 members throughout the world, says terry McCann, executive director of Toastmasters International And most of them don't aspire to greatness of the platform. There are problems, generally is in talking to groups of five or 10 people, a business executive, a supervisor in a factory, a section worker in an office. All can increase their effectiveness through better public speaking. The opportunities are limitless. Can you improve your speaking skill? Of course, anyone can. All you have to do is learn how the two steps in making any speech preparation and delivery are equally important. Here are four rules for planning your talk. Number one, pick the right subject. It should be a topic about which have strong feelings. The only way to be comfortable in front of an audience is to know what you're talking about and to believe in what you're trying to get across. While the american hostages were being held in Iran, many of their wives appeared on national television. Even without formal training, this women spoke with true eloquence there, please came from the heart, choose a subject of direct interest your listeners and slant your message to them, assume that you've come up with an idea to improve office efficiency. If you are called upon to sell your proposal to the board of directors, emphasized the profits it will bring when presenting the plan to the people who will implement it, stress how it will make their jobs easier. Everyone wants to know what's in it for me. Number two organizer points, logically, you need a beginning, usually a brief description of the problem. You intend to attack a middle that enumerates the main points in your solution and an end that summarizes your entire presentation. An old rule of her speaker puts it this way, tell them what they're going to tell them, then tell them and finally tell them what you told them. Number three rehearse in private. After you have planned your presentation, you need to practice delivering it. It's best to do this in private, not in front of a friend or spouse, You're rehearsing his speech to a crew, not a one on one discussion. Try to visualize the audience, see and hear the positive responses you will be receiving whenever possible, do a final review in the room or you will be speaking this way, you will feel at home during your actual performance. # four. Keep notes to a minimum. The worst thing to do is try to read your speech. It's virtually impossible to make a reading sound spontaneous if necessary. List your major headings on index cards with only a few words on each card, a quick glance will trigger your thoughts. The less you refer to notes, the better you'll communicate with your audience public speaking is essentially a matter of communication between you and your audience. For most speakers, copyist notes are more of a hindrance than help, but no matter how well you prepare, you also have to deliver the speech. Here are three rules for your delivery. Number one, make friends with your audience. There is no need for oratory in the old fashioned sense, be yourself and you'll seldom go wrong. Simple words and short sentences are best examples and anecdotes also helped to build a bridge. Dear listeners also be sure to look at the audience and maintain eye contact, seek out the friendly faces, ignore any that are not for the platform. Pro humor is a requirement, but for the average person, it is not necessary unless it makes a point and unless you use it. Well, don't begin a speech by saying before I get into my talk. Let me tell you a joke. That sort of thing adds nothing to your message And in fact, can destroy your effectiveness. In his 1983 state of the Union address, Ronald Reagan opened by observing that the first such address was delivered by George Washington. But he added, it's not true that I was there to hear it in view of all the gibbs about Reagan's age. His remark was funny, it fits the occasion, and it was effective. Number two. Never apologize if you feel any shortcomings, ignore them. If you have a cold, don't mention it to be confident. Act confident. If you happen to forget what you were going to say next, keep it to yourself, your listeners won't know unless you tell them. Instead, repeat your last point to give yourself a brother or go on to something else. Your audience wants you to do well. Quite disappointed if you suffer from stage fright. Don't worry about it. A certain degree of tension is helpful. I often tell my clients we won't remove your butterflies entirely. We'll just get them to fly information. Number three build to a climax. There should be a compelling purpose to your talk aimed toward it throughout your speech. Then close with a call to action. Don't wait too long to finish. Be sure that you stopped speaking before the audience stops listening. George M. Cohen had the right idea. Always leave them wanting more. The old saying practice makes perfect applies in public speaking to so speak at every opportunity. The rewards can be enormous indeed. With practice you can use speaking as a springboard to success and fuller, more satisfying life.