\"Wyatt Earp\" A straightforward narrative delivery



Showcasing an articulate, straightforward yet compassionate narration, highlighting believable storytelling

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
In March 1881, Wyatt earp set off to find a posse of cowboys that had robbed a tombstone stage coach and its driver. In an effort to close in on the outlaws, He struck a deal with a rancher named Ike Clanton who regularly dealt with the cowboys working around tombstone in return for his help Were promised Clanton he could collect a $6,000 reward. But the partnership quickly dissolved. Clanton paranoid that earp would leak the details of their bargain turned against him by october. Clanton was out of his mind drunk and parading around tombstone saloons, bragging that he was going to kill one of the earth men. Everything came to a head on october 26th 18 81 when the earps along with doc Holliday met Clanton, His brother Billy and two others Frank McClure, Lori and his brother Tom on a small lot on the edge of town near an enclosure called the Okay Corral. They're the greatest gunfighter in the west history took place Over the course of just 30 seconds, a barrage of shots was fired, ultimately killing Billy Clanton and both of them, a glory brothers. Virgil and morgan earp as well as Holiday all were injured. The only one unscathed was Wyatt. The battle ratcheted up tensions between the cowboy community and those who were looking for a more settled west to emerge like Clinton went on a rampage orchestrating the shooting of Virgil earp, severely wounding his left arm and the assassination of morgan's earp as a result of morgan's death. Wyatt earp set off in search of vengeance with holiday and a small posse of others. He roamed the frontier on a killing spree that made headlines around the nation, earning the group both praise and condemnation for taking on the west wild cowboy culture.