Narrative Demo, North American English, professional trained

Profile photo for Robert Schmidt
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


After months of coaching, I went into a studio to record this demo. The post-production was done by a company I had received Voiceover training from.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
an erupting volcano, spewing molten lava into the sky and raining toxic dust across the surrounding landscape. It seems like the ultimate doomsday scenario. But in fact, volcanic eruptions have played a pivotal role in the development of life on earth. Without volcanoes, most of earth's water would be trapped beneath the surface and the atmosphere wouldn't be conducive to life either. Here's a tip for when you visit new Orleans, don't eat at the same place twice. It's harder than it sounds. At some point you'll have a po boy or jambalaya or a plate of red beans that are so good, you'll be desperate to have it again. But don't there are so many amazing restaurants in the crescent city, you need to try as many as you can before you leave Churchill understood that the nazis could not be trusted. Hitler would accept nothing short of complete capitulation, regardless of the promises he made to then Prime Minister neville Chamberlain. So when Hitler invaded Norway in 1940 Chamberlain saw the writing on the wall. He resigned from Downing Street, passing the baton to Churchill himself, and thus the defense of Britain began to non enthusiasts. Ham radio seems like a little more than a fun hobby, but during times of crisis, ham operators have provided essential communication services to those in need, like in the aftermath of hurricane Andrew. In 1992 when the entire utility grid was destroyed, ham radio services stepped up and disseminated critical information to the public