Videogame Character Demo

Profile photo for Robert Maber
Not Yet Rated


Showcase of low to mid-high range videogame characters. Natural voice is baritone.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) North American (General) Scottish (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the hour is later than you think. The darkness beckons the army's loom stay. Doom and destruction. I recalibrated all the oscillators. The quantum equation should hold up to the practical application. Will it work? Yeah, I think now listen kid, I'm not expecting you to believe me here. But there's something about this girl. She entrusted her to me and I believe her. What do you mean? We're out of ammo. Shirley's got a red dress. We are captain, sir. The main engines are fully offline warm thrusters. What just started last week? This is going to be a problem. I don't like problems. I'll meet you in Moscow tomorrow. We'll talk this out. Bring me more. I seated. Is this what it means to sin all of these corpses waste that I could have used them? How did they get in here? Run? Run. Yeah. Hey bob. I'm having some trouble getting into the main server. Did you guys change the password or something? There are no other options. This has to work. Bring the others into the shelter. I'll detonate from here.