The Bronze Age (documentary)


Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
deep inside, this ancient mind is the key to one of Europe's biggest archaeological mysteries. It's a storey that begins with a robbery from a burial site in the dark heart of Europe. It's hero is an archaeologist with a taste for adventure. There's even an international police hunt on undercover sting involving agents from two countries. At its heart is one small piece off broadens. This forest in eastern Germany contains some of Europe's oldest human settlements. People have lived and died here for thousands of years, but now the tombs of these ancient dead attract a modern breed to the forest. Grave robbers. No one knows just how many objects they have looted, but archaeologists have been powerless to prevent it. In 1999 3 men came combing through this forest with metal detectors. After several hours, they found themselves in a small clearing near hilltop. Suddenly, their detectors came alive with a pickaxe. They tour into the earth on after a brief struggle. The treasure it had kept safe over 3000 years, these robbers didn't realise was that they may have dug up one of the most significant archaeological finds of the century. They had found an object that would change how we think about one of the most important times in all human history the Bronze Age.