

OVERTIME: America's Aging Workforce

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


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is working longer in jeopardy, lisa F. Berkman and Beth C. Truesdale one introduction worldwide aging populations are one of humanity's greatest accomplishments and one of our greatest challenges. As longevity has risen and fertility has fallen, older adults make up a larger portion of populations. Without a doubt, societies can reap more benefits from older people's contributions than they did in previous generations. At the same time. This demographic transition changes everything, including how nations navigate work and retirement. On average, Americans live much longer and healthier lives than they did 50 years ago and substantially longer than when social security was created in the 1930s. Many policymakers and academics think it's logical almost inevitable that Americans will spend more of these years in the paid labor force. Working longer, it is argued, is a win win win solution for society, employers and workers working longer and delaying retirement could cut the cost of Social Security for an aging population, provide a bigger pool of experienced labor and shore up individuals financial Security in particular longer life expectancies. Mean that americans need income to support more years of life and working longer is a commonly proposed solution. Some research even suggests that working longer leads to better health and older age by help adults maintain cognitive skills and social networks. The idea that longer lives should translate naturally and seamlessly into longer working lives has become the mainstream policy position in America and in many wealthy nations, the purpose of this book is to examine the viability of this working longer framework