
Profile photo for Rome Gall
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Sample Psa for McDonald’s project

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hey, my name is Rome Goal at McDonald's. Our doors are open, and not just that. Our doors are hands free, and that's just one part of our new safety. Measures were rolling out hand sanitizing stations, nuclear ***** policies and employee wellness checks so you can come in and enjoy your favorite food safely. McDonald's is prioritizing your health and the health of our employees because nothing is more important. We're open and we're ready to serve you delicious. McDonald's favorites safely because it's what we do best at McDonald's. Our doors are open, and not just that. Our doors are hands free, and that's just one part of our new safety. Measures were rolling out hand sanitizing stations, new clean Leanness policies and employee wellness checks so you can come in and enjoy your favorite foods safely. McDonald's is prioritizing your health and the health of our employees because nothing is more important. We're open and we're ready to serve you delicious. McDonald's favorites safely because it's what we do best.