Ron's Demo

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This demo covers a range of roles from fun to serious.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
when you hear the word bully, you probably think of confrontations in the schoolyard or barroom brawls. But did you know you could be just a cubicle away from one in the office. Watch our exclusive report tonight at six. Only on news channel five. It's 11 30 at night and your son's cough seems to be getting worse. You need advice. So you call Milford's pharmacy at Milford's pharmacy. The staff is there for you. No matter what time it is this friday, the action explodes with the blockbuster. You've been waiting for A day of revenge is coming to a theater near you. Great at our okay. That was one stroke for the miss swing to in the sand trap. Well, we'll ignore the whole throwing your clubs in the lake episode and say three strokes for the lost ball in the woods. Well, first day of school I used to worry that Mark wouldn't be ready. He's younger than most of the kids in his class and the teachers expect kids to do a lot more than just play nice and color these days. Thanks to Wilmot Academy, I know he has the skills he needs to keep up with his classmates dreaming of a secluded sandy beach by day, luxurious hotel suite by night, enjoy both during your next Caribbean vacation Only at the fair winds resort. Hi, I'm Ron cook. Thanks for listening