

Excerpt from an audio book. My voice is often described as a rich, deep, big, resonant and distinctive bass voice. It has also been described as warm, sincere and authoritative but friendly.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
my new fiancee, Betty and I were sitting on the couch watching the Westminster Kennel Club dog show when she looked over at me and casually said, My first ****** came from a dog As I sat there, stunned, trying to control my reactions and collect myself. I had two immediate thoughts. One. Now I know why my dog likes or better. And two, I wish this were the worst thing she had ever told. May our relationship started as a blind date. My buddy was dating Betty's twin sister, and one day he asked if I wanted to go out and party with the three of them. It was obviously a set up, and since my history with blind dates was less than stellar by hesitated, the last one I had been on ended up with me pushing a very cute and giggling girl in a shopping cart, getting a speed bump and watching her catapult out to face plant on the asphalt. Tears and blood flowed freely, and I didn't get a second date. But hey, you only live once, so I told him I was up for it. We arranged to meet at the village idiot, a bar in downtown Columbia, South Carolina. And from the moment I saw Betty, I was smitten. She was so much fun. If you've ever met someone who was the center of attention in the life of the party the moment they arrived, you'll know what I mean. Betty was an unstoppable force of nature, and I really had no idea what I was in for. We've spent the last few hours drinking shots of something blue and laughing, RSS all things were going really well, but I didn't know how well until, But he looked up at me with a mischievous grin and said, You want to go back to your place? He would have direct as I was, it took me less than a minute to answer. **** yeah, let's go as I followed her down the stairs and watched her tight gymnasts as I thought I did The Lotto Betty was bouncy and crazy, had a wide smile and was always happy. She was a fitness freak on her body. Showed it Who wouldn't want a girl like that? I knew I did. Over the next few weeks, we were inseparable, and by that I mean we spent the next few weeks in bed. I like the fact that she was completely open about sex and was unashamed to admit it. Most of the other girls at my school played it by the book and waited the requisite three dates before having sex. The dates were always formal in the girl's habitually ordered the most expensive thing on the menu. Three dates later, when they finally dropped panties, they expected me to fall over them like they were letting me into Narnia. Just once. I wanted to scream. Every woman in the world has one. There's nothing special about yours. I did not, but I wanted to.