

Brief samples of my narration styles.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
In the autumn of 1911, the residents of Lexington, Kentucky, gathered on a dreary day for the dedication of a statue of their native son, Confederate General John Hunt. Morgan, Pakistan. Cradle of two major ancient civilizations, a land whose fertility has no parallel on the planet. Little Jim Saloon opened in 19 3. Louis Armstrong was two years old that year, and he grew up in this back of town neighborhood listening to the early sounds of jazz Buddy Bolden, Jelly Roll Morton and a host of other jazz greats played here on this block at the Little Gym, an Eagle Saloon in the U. S. Navy. Every ship has a name, and every name has a story. George Washington named the USS Constitution to honor the Constitution of the United States of America. How do we find true quality? Does it come from the ingredients, hard work, attention to detail? Or is it a magical combination of timing, experience and the will not to accept mediocrity? The clock tower once stood as the epicenter of the factories hustle and bustle. It swarmed daily, with buses and cars picking up and dropping off employees as they clocked in and out of their shifts. The clock tower also served as a social hub