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Young Adult (18-35)


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12 balance and coordination. Cycling can stimulate motor regions in the central nervous system and activate the cerebral cortex, which may help improve trusted source motor learning and balance. As a result, experts may recommend cycling as part of an effective rehabilitation program for people who experience balance problems and issues with walking Cycling can also help a person improve their core stability, which can help prevent injuries. 13 mental illness and cycling. Mental health conditions such as depression, stress and anxiety can be reduced by regular bike riding. This is due to the effects of the exercise itself and because of the enjoyment that riding a bike can bring 14 build endurance as you enjoy your bike ride even leisurely, you wouldn't know it, but your body gains endurance without any strenuous training. It increases your lung capacity not to mention it also works on your cardiovascular fitness by strengthening your heart. 15 easy to pick up. Cycling is also a relatively easy and affordable type of physical activity. To start. It does not require any major skills, and it combines mobility with physical activity, making it accessible to large segments of the population. People can also incorporate cycling into their life in many ways, such as at home on an inter cycle, as a method of commuting or is a pastime.