Facilties tour

Video Narration


Audio from a promotional CD sent to those interested in a private Catholic High School in the Washington D.C. area.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
we're getting better all the time, advancing always with exciting growth, we are Bishop Ireton. If you're looking for somewhere that has everything you want to offer, but still feels like a close knit community, Be eyes where you want to be. It is the greatest place to have the most memorable high school experience you would ever want. It's a good place where you don't have to be anything that you're not and everyone will like you for who you are, a place where education is exciting for students and faculty had to look him full in the face, they had to walk past. I love being a teacher, I love being a nurturer, I love seeing students understand something that they hadn't understood before since 1964. Bishop Ireton has been serving the Washington metro region. We are a diocesan catholic coeducational high school that promotes the development of the whole person with so much to offer. It's virtually impossible not to be active, whether it is in drama or art or music or sports or community service that no matter what your interests or your abilities happen to be, that there would be some way for you to express yourself at Bishop Ireton in the catholic tradition and through the legacy of our patron saint Francis de sales, we guide our students on a journey of personal discovery, encouraging them to be who you are and be that well