E-Learning Demo



Educational • English (North American) • Middle Age (35-54) • Announcer • Characters • Teacher • Alpha Male • Believable • Confident • Conversational • Informative • Funny • Warm • Knowledgeable • Narrator • Natural • Smooth • North American • Black • Hispanic

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Welcome to the Zoom Legal Center. The information provided here is for Zoom users who have questions about our terms, policies and compliance on the right, our terms on the left, notices and policies. Please select an option for complete details. If you still have questions, please contact us at legal at zoom dot us. The newly unveiled batch of Star Wars sets to celebrate the triple force will comprise a fully interactive adventure here at Lego Discovery Center. As an employee, you must be prepared. Are you ready to learn how to dislodge a mini fig helmet from the nose of a five year old? I said, Are you ready? Okay. Then tap the Lego lightsaber to get started, and may the force be with you. You'll need it. The time to simulation will begin in five minutes. I'm Ron, your virtual guide for this training. Please take this time to ensure your V R orientation to space is properly calibrated, and you're comfortable with the virtual instrumentation. Once the simulation begins, any errors or pauses longer than one minute will automatically terminate the simulation. Jerry has seven bananas. Kelly has six oranges. Michael has nine puppies. How many pieces of fruit. Do they have? Try again. Puppies aren't fruit. Good job. They have 13 pieces of fruit. Have a new apple watch here. The taps swipes, impresses. You'll be using most I'll Walk You through messaging and notifications, features and use of the control center and Siri, Let's get started.