Shannon Torrence Animation Demo




Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
reception. You think I'm receptionist? You know, the glasses on your face indicate that you were able, if not willing to read on my name tag. Clearly, states lead engineer. What would you know about suffering from the day Kings? Queens? Princes have looked upon you and smiled. Admired your beauty. It was maybe probably the best night of my life so far. He kissed me and there were bells, not metaphorical bells like really actual bells. I don't know. I mean, I think there was a church nearby, but still all systems go. Press start to begin. Press start to begin. Today would be nice. I'm not getting any younger press start. Well, hello there, Burly stranger. I assume you followed your nose, right? And since I'm whipping up a batch of double molasses Snickerdoodles! Are you staying here? You're coming with us. Decide faster! They're gaining on us. I can't believe I signed up for this. Wow, Camper. I was trying to help. You know, maybe you should look around. People aren't exactly standing in line trying to make you feel better about your mistake.