Grace - Original Poem / Statement / Passage - English

Profile photo for Ruby Rayne
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Loss never gets easier, simpler, or route. You don’t wake up one day more prepared to lose what you love... Even when our arms are empty, love fills that space with a promise that there is more to come, if we just allow ourselves some grace.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
loss never gets easier, simpler, or wrote, You don't wake up one day more prepared to lose what you love. Sure, you can shove down your feelings fight back the tears be convinced that you don't have time to have a breakdown and force yourself to keep pushing through for the sake of survival. You can put off things for another day, but that grief will find you. It will wait patiently unwaveringly for you. It will whisper to your heart that it's there. It will sit at the back of life stage hanging off the ropes, observing from the wings. It will show up in a quiet moment, it will loom large. It will smother you with its presence. It cannot be forgotten, it cannot be erased. You cannot hide from your feelings, wish them away or pawn them. They are an essential part of your existence from the intimacy of love. Joyous spirited, miraculous love comes the companion of loss, the despairing depressing, all consuming deconstruction of what Love worked so painstakingly hard to co create with. You. Love never leaves, but it changes shape and form. It transforms from a tangible state that you held in your arms to a cycle of ephemeral memories past weaving in and out of days that feel as spaces in between nightmares and dreams, denial finds its way into these fragments to give you hope for brighter days ahead, promising maybe tomorrow will be different, and that what you know, you have lost might resurface, renewed anger becomes present when denial is found out as a charming and clever liar. When reality becomes too much to bear. When the truth of absence is too great to hold, loss changes us, it can take everything away from us. It can transform us as it ravages our dreams and leaves us in tears from depths of unspeakable sorrow. At the last minute, love revives us. It reminds us that we have never truly lost what we have always held so dear that we are a part of something meaningful and at the core unchangeable. It encourages us not to give up to let ourselves cry to find our way back. Even when our arms are empty, love fills that space with a promise that there is more to come if we just allow ourselves some grace.