Video Game Demo (Ryan Rhodes - Home Studio)



Recorded and produced at my home studio.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) North American (General) Scottish (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hey! You're about to get yourself ejected, pal. You wouldn't dream of it. Push the button. What? No, wait, wait. I didn't mean it. It was my assumption that those demons would prove far inferior in the face of your tactics. Yes, No match for a **** spawn. If you're hearing this, that means the echelon protocol failed. New Earth will have fallen to the reverse by now. Do not send help. They're not human. Please just stay away, Captain. You can't put that much fuel in a warp engine. You'll break space and time. Ah! What the heck? Captain wants Captain Gates. Nice knowing you boys, you should not have come here. We do not like to share with outsiders. I think you are smart enough to know why. I cannot let you leave you leave. Now handling this troll cave, Not your cave. Be gone before troll hungry commander. We've engaged the enemy, but they outnumber us. Sir. We were getting chewed up. Stand your ground. Corporal heavy ordinance is en route. This is where we make our stand now. Then you dogs. We've got us some red coats to hunt, raise the black flag. Who goes there? I can hear you out there in the fog. Is it you brother? Come out where I can see you? I'm armed so don't try anything funny