Commercial Demo

Profile photo for Sage Armstrong
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


Here are samples of my voice. Produced by Terry Daniel.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
music. We take it for granted. But can you imagine a world without music? So much of our lives are influenced by the music we choose to listen to during our favorite holidays, when we're happy, sad or on our wedding day. Pandora dot com. Look at these ingredients farm fresh produce, beautifully prepared fish and meats, elegant pastas. It's like you shouldn't even be looking at this food without adhering to a dress code. Fortunately this is everybody's favorite family friendly restaurant, the cheesecake factory. It used to be that driving a hybrid car meant giving something up like power space or comfort. The ford C max is a big step up from that old standard. The C max is a car built for your modern lifestyle and the way you like to drive. How many of us overlook our skin. Yeah, most of us do. But with Navias line of easy to use and effective lotions and creams. Your skin will look and feel wonderful in no time. It's unavoidable. The smile that comes across your face when someone hands you a piece of Hershey's chocolate. It's okay because that gift of rich, delicious chocolate flavor was probably delivered with a very similar smile. Yeah.