English -- warm, engaging, smooth, approachable, luxurious

Profile photo for Samantha Keyes
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


A range of commercial samples, including consumer, financial services, luxury, and business services.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Where is your meal being made? Who is making it for you? What is it made of knowing what goes into your food is just as important as what you get out of it. Subway eat fresh. The world wasn't built by people who talked now the world was built by Action. Action accomplishes it creates, it builds, it finishes, then it starts all over again. We believe in Action E. D. S. Let's get to work. If you don't need a sedan, you definitely don't need an Infiniti Q 50 sports sedan with 400 horsepower and a twin turbo V six engine. It's all a bit much or is it experience the Infiniti Q 50 irresistibly smooth chocolate to put the world on pause linder made to melt. You buy the lindt master chocolate ear meet two sisters, the drummer and the daydreamer. The drummer is putting aside her money simply with a tap. The dreamer is still learning how to budget. So mom keeps her alerts on full volume. Chase first, banking, freedom for kids control for parents