Updated Commercial Demo

Television Ad


Updated commercial demo of real work booked: Olympic Organic Yogurt, Best Buy Canada, Xero, McDonalds, Glade

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Olympic Organic Yogurt is a delicious choice crafted with care. We only use organic milk from happy grass fed cows with no GMO S because we love cows as much as Maya. See hang in there. Little guy Olympic Organic Yogurt where a little care makes a lot of good. Is your fridge telling you something, find the help you need at best. Buy at zero. We know there's nothing small about small business. It's starting from scratch. It's the hustle, it's the 9 to 5 and the 5 to 9. That's why we don't think of you as small. We think of you as self made. Search for zero with an X available for a limited time from mccafe. The baked fresh daily free stone peach danish is just peachy at a small hot premium. Roast coffee made from 100% Arabica beans and that's even peachier. But when you get them both at mcdonald's for 2 69 that's the peach of all. A flutter of butterflies awakened their senses. We take a deep breath and say yes to forever new love. We have a fragrance for that new glade. Three wick candles. Wanna ride the beast. The beast. Yeah, there's no way I'm going on that quick. Think of an excuse. You have to pick up the kids. Oh, you don't have kids? Oh. What about that kid over there? I know that's kidnapping. You wouldn't last a day in jail. Oh, forget it. Just tell her you have a disease. But what disease? It doesn't matter. It can be a fake disease. I have a fake disease.