Sara Wilson-Soppitt - Audiobook - Elegant, conversational, well-spoken



Warm and engaging character in a period novel sharing news with her sister.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
my dear Julia, how true it is. The troubles never come singly. The outbreak of fever atyour boy school was tiresome enough as it forced us to begin the holidays for the Children at home sooner than was intended and upset all our arrangements for the summer. However, we resigned ourselves very happily to the inevitable. And I had made arrangements with dear old Patty for receiving us all at the farm. However, we were just starting out this morning when a wire arrived at breakfast summoning me to my mother in law. She's very ill and old Mr Darren begs me to come at once. So I'm obliged to let the Children go down to *** Brook without me. Always your affectionate sister Agatha P s. I forgot to mention the Children will find a play fellow at the farm. He is the grandson of Old Madam Del Zone.